New players only. Welcome Bonus - 100% bonus on your first deposit up to €/$/£500 Unless otherwise stated. This bonus only applies for deposits of €/$/£20 or higher! All you need to do is just deposit the money in your Boomerang-account and you will receive this bonus instantly!
Boomerang Casino is making waves in both Australia and Canada, known for its broad appeal. It’s praised by 40% of users who give it a 5-star rating. They love the game selection, great bonuses, and top-notch support. These strengths make Boomerang Casino a top choice for players. This review takes a close look at what sets it apart.
Over 50 casinos have been reviewed, showing Boomerang Casino’s wide appeal.
A wide variety of games and helpful customer support enhance the user experience.
Swift and hassle-free withdrawal processes are appreciated by the user base.
Average response time on chat for customer queries is prompt, ranging between 10-15 minutes per question.
Introduction to Boomerang Casino
Boomerang Casino is becoming a well-known name in online gambling. With a wide variety of games and great customer service, it’s making waves in Canada and elsewhere.
Overview of Boomerang Casino
Boomerang Casino boasts over 4700 games, like table games, scratch cards, jackpots, and slots. It works with over 60 high-quality game studios. This mix guarantees a varied gaming fun. The welcome offer is also attractive. New players get a 100% bonus up to €500 plus 200 free spins.
Initial Deposit
Total Games
Top Game Providers
60 quality studios
Welcome Bonus
100% up to €500 + 200 free spins
VIP Program
5 levels offering up to 15% cashback
Boomerang Casino’s Popularity
Boomerang Casino catches players’ interests with its wide range of games. Favorites include “Book of Dead” and “Reactoonz”. The live dealer areas add excitement with options like roulette and blackjack.
Another advantage is Boomerang Casino’s flexible payment methods. They accept different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Litecoin. Faster withdrawals with crypto make it even more attractive.
General User Ratings
Online feedback for Boomerang Casino is largely positive. Canadian players highlight the helpful customer service, which assists well with issues and bonuses. They love the instant 100% bonus from customer support and other offers.
The VIP scheme is a big plus, with five levels offering perks like higher limits and personal account managers. These benefits make playing at Boomerang Casino rewarding and fun.
Game Selection at Boomerang Casino
Boomerang Casino offers a wide range of games for different kinds of players. Top game providers help keep the selection fresh and exciting. Players find their favourite games here, adding to Boomerang Casino’s charm.
Variety of Games
Players can find many games at Boomerang Casino, like Baccarat, Bingo, and more. Whether you enjoy live dealer games or classic slots, there’s something for everyone. The aim is to entertain all players with a variety of games.
Top Game Providers
Boomerang Casino works with famous game providers to offer high-quality games. Names like Microgaming and NetEnt mean players get the best games. These partnerships ensure a great selection of the latest and most popular games.
User Favorites
Some games at Boomerang Casino are especially popular with players. Favorites include ‘Crystal Ball’ and ‘Book of Aztec.’ These games help make the casino well-regarded in the industry, reflecting what players enjoy most.
Feedback from players shows they value the variety and quality of the games. Boomerang Casino keeps its game selection up-to-date, making sure everyone finds something fun to play.
Bonuses and Promotions
Boomerang Casino is known for its great bonuses and promotions. These offers aim to make the gaming experience better and give big rewards to players.
Welcome Bonus
The casino has a great welcome bonus for newcomers. It’s a big plus for those who want to add more to their first deposits. This bonus is a great start for anyone’s gaming journey, regardless of their experience level.
Regular Promotions and Bonuses
Boomerang Casino always has promotions going on, keeping the excitement alive. The Bonus Crab promotion, for example, stands out for adding more fun and rewards. These promotions show the casino’s effort to keep players interested with attractive incentives.
Promo Codes and Coupons
Boomerang Casino also uses promo codes and coupon codes. Players can easily find and use these codes for benefits like free spins or deposit matches. This thoughtful addition makes the gaming experience richer and shows players they are valued.
Promotion Type
Welcome Bonus
Generous match on the initial deposit and free spins
Regular Promotions
Daily, weekly, and weekend events like Bonus Crab
Promo Codes
Special codes for extra rewards
Special offers and discounts for players
Overall, Boomerang Casino’s bonuses and promotions stand out. They appeal to different player preferences and significantly contribute to its positive reputation among online gamers.
Security and Fair Play
Boomerang Casino works hard to keep a safe and fair play space for everyone.
Casino Licensing
It operates under a respected license from Curaçao’s government. This means the casino follows strict rules to be trustworthy for its users. The license proves Boomerang Casino’s dedication to a regulated and safe betting experience.
Encryption and Security Measures
The casino uses strong security steps to keep user data safe. Boomerang Casino has TLS 1.2 encryption to guard online talks and data sharing. This keeps important info like financial and personal details safe from unwanted access.
Fair Play Policies
Fair play is really important at Boomerang Casino. It has tough fair play rules, using random numbers and regular checks to keep games honest. This shows Boomerang Casino’s promise to fair play, making players trust the game fairness.
In summary, Boomerang Casino has strong licensing, top-notch encryption, and strict fair play rules. This makes a secure and fair gaming place for everyone.
User Experience
The user experience at Boomerang Casino appeals to many. It focuses on several key areas.
Website Design and Navigation
Boomerang Casino’s website impresses with its visually appealing interface and easy navigation. The Boomerang Casino design is straightforward. It lets users find their favorite games quickly. This thoughtful design makes gaming smooth and fun.
Customer Support
The Boomerang Casino customer support team is quick and supportive. Players get help via live chat, email, and phone. This fast and efficient help is often praised in reviews. It shows Boomerang Casino’s commitment to its players.
Mobile Gaming Experience
Boomerang Casino keeps up with mobile technology. Its platform works great on mobile devices. Players can enjoy their top games anywhere. The Boomerang Casino mobile interface is as good as the desktop version. This guarantees a good gaming experience on any device.
Boomerang Casino also boasts a huge game selection. With over 4700 games from more than 60 top-class studios, the choice is vast. Players have endless entertainment, on desktop and mobile alike.
Website Design
Intuitive and visually appealing
Easy to locate games and features
Customer Support Channels
Live chat, email, phone
Support Response
Responsive and helpful
Mobile Gaming
Optimized for mobile devices
Game Selection
Over 4700 games from 60+ studios
This overview highlights Boomerang Casino’s focus on design, support, and mobile gaming. It shows their effort to give a great gaming experience to everyone.
Deposits and Withdrawals
Smooth transactions are key for a good online casino experience. Boomerang Casino knows this well. They offer many transaction options.
Deposit Methods
Boomerang Casino has lots of deposit methods. You can use cards, e-wallets, or bank transfers. It’s easy to find a method that works for you.
Withdrawal Process
Withdrawing from Boomerang Casino is pretty straight. They focus on keeping your money safe. A clearer timeline would make things perfect, though.
Transaction Speed
Boomerang Casino makes sure you get your money fast. Players say deposits and withdrawals are quick. Quick transactions mean more time for fun.
Boomerang Casino App
The Boomerang Casino mobile app is a must for players wanting a better gaming experience anywhere. It’s easy to use, letting you find and play games quickly. Boomerang Casino app download means your favourite games are always with you, ready to make any moment fun.
Players love many things about the Boomerang Casino mobile app. They enjoy quick money withdrawals and many deposit choices. They also value the helpful customer service. The app’s wide range of games gets high marks, making it great for both new and seasoned players.
However, some users have faced challenges. Issues with browser compatibility on smartphones, especially Chrome, have been reported. Players have also seen glitches in game optimization and autoplay. A few users noticed their credits dropped to zero after hitting certain levels, showing where the app could be better.
Boomerang Casino Review
The Boomerang Casino review highlights its lively gaming scene. It boasts over 4000 games from leading developers like Red Tiger Gaming, NetEnt, and Playtech. The casino attracts players with a welcome bonus of 100% up to 500 euros plus 200 free spins. This comes with a 35x wagering requirement.
Its wide range of games includes slots, table games, scratch cards, and jackpots. Favorites among players include “Book of Dead,” “Money Train 2,” and “Reactoonz.” A VIP program offers up to 15% cashback and personal account management, adding to its charm.
However, some Boomerang Casino complaints focus on withdrawal, account verification, and customer service issues. Many users report dissatisfaction in these areas. Complaints are usually resolved within up to 5 days.
User ratings show varied opinions. 40% of users give it a 5-star rating, whereas 45% only give it 1 star. Praises often mention the vast array of games and promos. Criticisms are mostly about problems with withdrawals.
Boomerang Casino Affiliate Program
The Boomerang Casino Affiliate Program offers a great chance for both individuals and businesses to earn by promoting the casino. It aims to help the casino and its affiliates grow together. Participants can extend their reach while building strong partnerships.
Overview of the Affiliate Program
This affiliate program is open to partners from various places, including Finland, Germany, and Ireland. It allows affiliates to direct traffic to the casino. With over 2,500 games from leading providers like Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, affiliates have plenty to promote.
Commission Structure
Affiliates can earn a substantial income thanks to an attractive commission structure. Based on their performance, they can get from 25% to 50% in revenue shares. There’s also a bonus 5% commission in a multi-tier program for outstanding affiliates.
They have many payment options like Bitcoin and PayPal, making it easy to receive earnings.
How to Become an Affiliate
To join, simply fill out a form on the casino’s affiliate page. After approval, affiliates get access to marketing tools and resources. The casino’s attractive offers for new players and a loyalty program are huge pluses for marketing.
Boomerang Casino offers a lot in one place. It blends heaps of games, trustworthy support, and great offers. With over 2500 games from big names like Microgaming and Evolution Gaming, it aims to please many players. The 6762 slot games available show a strong partnership with leading providers, making the experience even better.
The casino rewards players through a five-tier loyalty program. It also accepts cryptocurrencies, making money matters easier for players. The clear rules on transactions, including up to three pending withdrawals, show Boomerang Casino’s commitment to a fair gaming environment.
Boomerang Casino has a rating of 3.6 out of 5 from users. This shows it has both strong points and areas to improve. Feedback from customers helps the casino grow and improve. With a focus on offering a variety of games and solid support, Boomerang Casino is on its way to becoming a top choice for gamers.
What is Boomerang Casino?
Boomerang Casino is an exciting online gaming site. It has a huge selection of games and big bonuses.
Is Boomerang Casino licensed and secure?
Yes, Boomerang Casino is fully licensed. It uses strong encryption to keep players safe and ensure fair play.
What kind of games does Boomerang Casino offer?
Boomerang Casino has many games, including hits like ‘Crystal Ball’ and ‘Book of Aztec.’ They’re from leading game makers.
Are there any bonuses or promotions available at Boomerang Casino?
Absolutely, Boomerang Casino offers a welcome bonus. They also have ongoing promos and codes for extra fun.
How can I contact Boomerang Casino’s customer support?
You can talk to Boomerang Casino support through live chat, email, or their contact page.
What payment methods does Boomerang Casino accept for deposits?
Boomerang Casino takes many deposit methods. This makes it easy and quick to start playing.
How does the withdrawal process work at Boomerang Casino?
Withdrawing money from Boomerang Casino is quick. But, some players think it could be faster and clearer.
Is there a mobile app for Boomerang Casino?
Yes, Boomerang Casino has a mobile app. You can download it to play games anywhere.
What is the Boomerang Casino Affiliate Program?
The Boomerang Casino Affiliate Program lets partners earn money. They promote the casino and get commissions.
Are there any promo codes available for Boomerang Casino?
Yes, Boomerang Casino often has promo and coupon codes. Players can use these for extra bonuses and rewards.
What are some common issues reported by users of Boomerang Casino?
Some users have issues with deposits and withdrawals at Boomerang Casino. But, experiences can differ greatly.
Markus Cremer, born on December 4, 1988, currently resides in Sliema, Malta. He is a specialized author in the field of iGaming content, diligently producing new and professional articles for the website His expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality content make him a valuable member of our WordPress editorial team.